Magic effects for real time scenarios.
"If you are someone who absolutely loves to work with unique and new magic effects then these are must haves in your magic repertoire."
When you buy a magic trick, many times we don't always know how practical it's going to be in a real time situation until we open it, and sometimes after we open it we really don't want to use it at all. The best advice is to read the reviews that others are sharing about the magic creators, and their products. Many times I try, and stick with notable Magician's, and producers of these effects. In most cases this rule of thumb works well for satisfying purchases. I have a few of my favorites I'll share a couple with you. If you are a working magician who loves traditional effects, rope magic, coin magic slights, card magic etc. etc. Then I encourage you to step outside your comfort zone and try one of these effects. In fact one of the two artists we discuss here released an effect that designed to use with traditional routines. If you are someone who absolutely loves to work with unique and new magic effects then these are must haves in your magic repertoire.
Michael Ammar and Jeff Kaylor Magic effects
Magician's whom I have developed a deep respect for are Richard Sanders, and and Michael Ammar. Both men have released many incredible real time magic effects over the years. I first took notice of Michael Ammar, after seeing his incredible version of the cups and balls. Michael Ammar has since released many effects with other up and coming Magician's. Another reason why Michael is to be respected, he is paying it forward, in bringing needed attention to so many other up and comers. Michael Ammar recently aligned himself with young Magician Jeff Kaylor for his release of "The Kaylor Option" also known as TKO 2.0. Essentially a new concept closely related, but not exactly a toppit type device. TKO is really truly an amazing utility device, well thought out and effective on many levels. Big props to Jeff Kaylor and Michael Ammar for such and genius device. Check it out - TKO 2.0
Richard Sanders - Practical Magic tricks for real conditions

Richard Sander's has become a giant in the impromptu practical magic world. Sanders has revolutionized the industry with some really incredible effects that most traditionalists have challenged as not being real magic. And according to tradition many may be right. However, what Richard Sanders has released over the years is no doubt magical, and his sales reflect just that! I first took notice of Richard Sanders work after his release of Interlace a borrowed ring vanishes from the hand, and then instantly appears tied to the magician's shoe lace. The traditionalist's bocked at the gimmicky aspects of Richards products. But Richard has always developed a well thought out routine to begin and end clean with his effects. I have always personally felt that Richard Sanders releases have had a very fresh, and unique approach to magic. Using real world scenarios and situations to incorporate powerful illusions that stupefy spectators into the possibility that reality as they know it is bendable. Which to me is in many cases more powerful then traditional magic routines. Nexus Magic has a unique Sanders Pack three of his best illusions together in one kit. Check it out - Sanders Pack
You comments and suggestions are always welcome.
What do you carry for real time impromptu situations?
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